Friday, October 24, 2014

International Grandmaster Alex Colovic Speaks of his Origins in Chess and Advice to Aspiring Players

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of speaking with Macedonian International Chess Grandmaster Alex Colovic. He achieved his GM norm in 2013, and has competed in over 200 international chess tournaments, winning dozens. Alex is a member of the Macedonian Chess Team and is fluent in seven languages: English, Spanish, Serbian, Macedonian, Russian, Italian, and Bulgarian.

During the interview Alex describes his early roots in chess and how he has achieved such great success. Mr. Colovic also offers advice on how to strengthen your chess game and become a more dominant player. He contains a vast wealth of knowledge and experience on the field of chess, so please listen and enjoy! 

Alex also has a chess site, so make sure to check this out as well!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ethan,

    I felt that this week's blog post was more interactive. You greatly and thoroughly introduced whom your post was written about (Alex Colovic) in the beginning and then provided the audience with an interview clip, that allowed me to feel as if I was in the interview.

    Also thank you for providing Alex's website link, that shows you did your research and allows the research to dig deeper and investigate more.
